Version - 2018
Key to the success of your structural application is to take into account the effect of the manufacturing process that drives the local microstructure in the composite component. Because composite materials exhibit a highly anisotropic behaviour, the local microstructure will contribute to the composite material and final component performances. This course will enable you to implement a complete solution to be able to optimize and validate the structural design of your part, assess its feasibility and evaluate its performances, including stiffness and failure among others. The methodology is developed with a specific focus on the best practices of the software usage and a comprehensive understanding of the results.
In this training, the following suite of Digimat modules will be covered:
- Digimat-MF is used to understand and create a Digimat material model.
A Digimat material model is predictive for any microstructure and loading condition.
- Digimat-MX enables to reverse-engineer a Digimat material model from experimental data. The Digimat material database contains an extensive set of Digimat material models provided by different material suppliers and can further be extended with your data.
- Digimat-MAP is used to transfer manufacturing data from a processing mesh to the structural mesh of your application.
- Digimat-RP provides an easy, complete and comprehensive solution to couple manufacturing data and Digimat material models with the CAE code of your choice. A fiber orientation estimator integrated within the solution will also be presented.