HxGN Robotic Automation

HxGN Robotic Automation

Provide users with intuitive, flexible and scalable software to power robotic inspection cells.


Simple UX principles ensure intuitive workflows, while automated program generation enables inexpert operators to program automated inspections safely and efficiently.

The hardware and software agnostic toolset integrates efficiently with existing workflows and technologies, enabling new sensors, software and robotic equipment to be added with ease.

HxGN Robotic Automation’s modular approach allows you to scale to different part sizes, cell configurations, and applications, from offline control to inline quality assurance and continuous data capture.

An intuitive, flexible and scalable software solution for robotic inspection cells

HxGN Robotic Automation makes automated measurement more accessible, efficient, and reliable. The software allows manufacturers to orchestrate and inspect cell's sensors, software, and robotic equipment from a single, intuitive interface.It is also compatible with major robot suppliers.

Intuitive workflows, UX principles and automated program generation

HxGN Robotic Automation has been designed to improve the efficiency of the setup and running of the automated metrology cell. From the intuitive UX design to the accurate digital twin library and sophisticated collision avoidance, it helps operators set up and run paths faster. Coupled with tight integration with Hexagon metrology software suites PC-DMIS and Inspire offer part of an end-to-end automated measurement solution.


Machine modeling

Advanced modeling tools enable you to accurately model any machine or kinematic device from scratch, or simply drag and drop from the library for fast, precise offline programming.


Cell modeling and layout

Measurement cell layouts are easily designed and validated with drag and drop from the library, making virtual commissioning of the cell a reality.


Automatic robot path generation

Robot programming has never been easier; advanced algorithms in HxGN Robotic Automation enable automatic robot path generation based on inspection plans or part volume and area of interest.


Collision avoidance

Innovative real-time collision detection and avoidance tools ensure safe robot path generation, while the program validation engine detects and solves potential issues in advance to avoid costly errors.


Offline and online robot program execution

Navigating a highly accurate virtual programming environment enables complete program execution in offline mode, with realistic data simulation to enable virtual commissioning. Meanwhile, the software’s direct interface allows complete control of the real cell for fast online implementation.

Documentation Center

Check out our online documentation centre for product information and guidance

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